East of Heart Mountain: workshop of new play

Heart Mountain, Wyoming.Heart Mountain, Wyoming.

Heart Mountain, Wyoming.

Emily will be workshopping a new play by playwright Edward Allan Baker called East of Heart Mountain, directed by Giovanna Sardelli. The play is set in the 1940s and is about Japanese internment camps, including the large camp at Heart Mountain, Wyoming.


WW2 Prison Camps locations for American citizens of Japanese ancestry, causing a whole population to lose everything they had ever had. They said they were doing this because of their suspicion that these people had family were spying for another country, and took away their right to legal representation. But they did not do this to people with ancestry in Italy or Germany, with whom the US were equally at war (and therefore should have been of equal suspicion). Imagine if the government took you out of your home with no warning. You are a US citizen, but you are denied the rights that a US citizen is supposed to have, because you look Japanese. They tell you to get on a train, and you do so. You get to an open field, and they separate you from your family, and tell you to build yourself a prison camp, because this is where you will live indefinitely. Workshopping a play about the US in 1943. #actorslife #newplay #ww2 #japaneseinternment #systemicracismintheUS

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