Composing for Shakespeare's Funeral gig

Melinda Hall held an event at Morbid Anatomy museum in Williamsburg to celebrate Shakespeare's 400th Death Anniversary! And invited me and Jordan Hall to join her. It's a little bit of a weird thing to celebrate, but hey, no one's ever written about death like that guy!

I composed a few songs, including a folk song using Ophelia's mad song lyrics, a song developed from a song used in 17th-century Shakespeare performances, and a themed country song. Jordan Hall and I had a Sonnet Song-Off, where we both wrote a song using Shakespeare's Sonnet 71 as a jumping-off point. We finished with a hilarious rap.

Shakespeare's Funeral: Illustrated Lecture and Costume Party to Celebrate Shakespeare's 400th Death Anniversary

Friday, May 20th at 7pm 

Location: Morbid Anatomy Museum, 424 Third Avenue, 11215 Brooklyn NY

Admission: $20

"If I must die I will encounter darkness as a bride, And hug it in mine arms." ——Measure for Measure


2016 marks the 400th Anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. To celebrate, join Melinda Hall--director and producer for Willful Pictures--for an illustrated talk about the dead Shakespearean characters, common causes of death in Shakespeare's time (1564-1616) such as plague and syphilis, and period burial rites as well as Shakespeare's own death and the curse on his grave. Come & crush a cup and toast to Master Shakespeare. There will be treats and beverages. Live music will be performed by Emily Gardner Hall and Jordan Hall.


{my lingerie band} recording an album


Collaboration with Playwright